Showing 10 of 158 results.
Can you withdraw a notice of dismissal?
Can an employer retract a notice of dismissal and insist an employee keep working?
Can employees work through their lunch break?
What guidance is there under the Miscellaneous Award for working through a lunch break?
When are casual employees entitled to overtime?
Issues can arise when working a long day, followed by shorter days.
Our Mission
So while you’re working for yourself to get ahead, know that we’re working for you too, helping you get the unfun done.
What it means to run a business from home
But just like working from home, it’s not for everyone.
5 tools to track your social media performance
But do you know whether it's actually working?
How to handle a potential coronavirus case at work
As Australia battles to contain the spread of COVID-19, working from home has become the new normal for many of the nation’s businesses. For some, however, remote working is not a viable option.
Ordering employee back to office and reducing her hours amounted to dismissal
An employee has successfully claimed she was dismissed after a dispute relating to entitlements to working from home.
Virtual onboarding checklist
The onboarding process sets the tone for an employee’s experience in a company, but working remotely may present some challenges to your usual office practice.
Checking in on your mental wellbeing
If you’re working from home much like the rest of us due to the COVID-19 health crisis, now is the time to be checking in on your mental wellbeing.