Showing 10 of 519 results.
Out of hours behaviour not work-related: dismissal unfair
Can you sack someone for what they do in their own time? Not necessarily. Read about a case where the employer sacked a man caught drink driving, then had to reinstate him.
Can an employee have a support person during redundancy?
Must an employer grant an employee’s request for a support person to be present during a discussion about redundancy?
Student’s Bid For Unfair Dismissal Remedy To Go Ahead
When a manager thought a casual worker had blocked his text, he removed him from the roster program and group chat. Read why the FWC dismissed the employer’s objections to the worker’s unfair dismissal claim.
Worker wins appeal in medical cannabis case
An injured worker has won his appeal against a decision relating to whether or not the use of medicinal marijuana as a medical treatment was ‘reasonably necessary’ (as required by the Workers’ Compensation Act 1987).
Do you pay pro rata long service after 10 years?
Are employees entitled to pro rata long service leave for time worked beyond 10 years? And how much long service leave do you get after 10 years?
Are you liable for contractor employees?
If a business employs a contractor, and the contractor employs a team, who is responsible for the health and safety of that team? Find out more here.