Mastering Business Promotion: Strategies for Driving Sales and Building Brand Awareness |
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Promoting your business

Promoting your business encompasses all available methods to get your brand noticed, ultimately resulting in sales.

Promoting your business effectively is about utilising a range of marketing approaches to get your brand noticed and ultimately drive sales.

Today, technological advancements are making it easier than ever to target specific audiences and maximise your promotional efforts. By taking an agile approach and utilising the right tools, any business can achieve tangible results from marketing efforts, even with a limited budget.

Depending on what stage your business is at, you may have an existing customer base to work with or you could be starting from scratch. In either case, using customer insights and research to inform your promotional activities will ensure you’re targeting the right people. And, as with any business activity, planning is key to ensuring the best outcomes from your marketing and promotional strategies.

Get started with My Business’s insights on promoting your business effectively, including conducting customer research, branding, social media and other marketing channels, building customer loyalty and more.


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