The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Meetings: Benefits and Risks in the Workplace |
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The Impact Of Artificial Intelligence On Meetings: Benefits And Risks In The Workplace

Artificial intelligence is revolutionising workplace meetings by enhancing efficiency and inclusivity through advanced recording and summarising tools. However, ethical considerations and privacy concerns must be addressed to ensure responsible implementation.

16 Jul 2024

By Catherine Ngo Senior Editor and Content Writer, My Business

Today, more work meetings are being held than ever before. According to Sean Gallagher, a future of work expert who shared with ABC RN's This Working Life, "People are spending three times more time in meetings now compared to 2020, which is a significant increase."

As meeting technology has advanced, specific artificial intelligence (AI) functionalities are becoming more prevalent, says Dr. Gallagher. These functionalities are expected to evolve from passive observers to active team participants.

Currently, AI can listen to meetings, record transcripts, generate notes, and more. This raises questions about how we should perceive AI's presence in the meeting room and what potential issues we should address before they arise.


Dr. Gallagher, founder of Humanova, observes an increasing use of AI in meetings, especially in larger organisations. This is primarily driven by the need to enhance "corporate memory," ensuring that meaningful discussions and decisions are not lost.

AI plays a significant role in meetings, aiding in the recording, transcribing, and summarising of key points and actions. This documentation is then shared with all participants, making it easier for them to follow up on their responsibilities.

Organisational psychologist Charlotte Rush is a passionate advocate of AI, emphasising its transformative impact on her work. AI helps her run more purposeful meetings and provides clarity on the next steps after each meeting. It also facilitates effective communication and collaboration among team members.

Moreover, AI can prompt individuals with tailored suggestions to enhance their contributions and analyse the dynamics of a meeting. For example, it can detect the tone of voice and gauge the level of collegiality or tension in the room.

Dr Gallagher emphasises AI's unique ability to promote inclusivity and ensure everyone's voices are heard in a meeting. This can prevent disputes and disagreements and foster a more collaborative environment.

Adhering to specific ground rules to ensure responsible and ethical implementation is imperative in workplace AI usage. Despite some scepticism surrounding AI, particularly in the media industry, its use has numerous benefits.

One fundamental rule is that humans must always maintain "critical oversight" over AI. This means that humans should make the final decisions, ensure factual accuracy, and address any ethical or biased considerations that may arise.

Transparency and consent are also crucial, especially when using AI in meetings. Before introducing AI into a discussion, it is essential to ask permission from all participants and be open about recording and using AI tools.

Speaking coach, John Yeo emphasises the importance of caution while acknowledging AI's value. He suggests making objective decisions about incorporating or excluding AI in our lives based on its potential benefits and limitations.

The integration of AI in the workplace should be carefully considered, with clear guidelines and oversight to maximise its potential while minimising potential risks or biases. Finding the right approach that aligns with ethical principles and organisational needs is a matter of balance.


Ensuring privacy with AI is a critical concern. Ms Rush emphasises the importance of establishing clear parameters around the future use of data captured through AI systems. She raises questions about how individuals might feel if their past statements are referenced years later, and the need for guidelines regarding deleting information, particularly when employees leave an organisation.

Dr Gallagher highlights the significance of having a formal company policy as a critical indicator of successful AI implementation in the workplace.

Such a policy should focus on ethical, responsible, and safe AI usage and the organisation's vision and values surrounding AI. It should address employees' common fears, such as job displacement or concerns about their job performance being negatively evaluated by AI. A company policy should also clarify the protocols for determining the amount of data to which AI systems are given access.


Dr. Gallagher is optimistic that AI will assist workers rather than replace them. He believes AI can enhance efficiency and productivity by automating routine tasks, such as organising meetings or retrieving information from previous discussions.

For example, in a team meeting, AI could provide a quick recap of the status of a project or issue, saving time and allowing participants to focus on more strategic discussions.

According to unpublished Swinburne-Deloitte research, frequent AI users report increased productivity, higher-quality work, improved wellbeing, optimism about the future, and reduced fear of technology.

Organisations must provide guidance and formal training to their staff on using AI effectively. This will help employees understand AI's capabilities and limitations and how to use it to enhance their work.

Mr. Yeo sees AI as a valuable tool that allows humans to focus on more meaningful tasks and interpersonal connections. He emphasises the importance of shaping, directing, and understanding what AI can do to manage its use appropriately.

By embracing AI and understanding its potential, organisations and individuals can unlock new opportunities for collaboration, creativity, and innovation.

You can listen to the This Working Life Episode on AI in meetings here

Catherine Ngo Senior Editor and Content Writer, My Business

Catherine is passionate about unravelling the latest news and insights to help entrepreneurs, small business owners and employers.


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