A new report from Safe Work Australia sheds light on the critical issue of work-related violence and aggression, offering valuable insights for employers seeking to enhance workplace safety. The report, Workplace and work-related violence and aggression in Australia report, reveals disturbing trends and provides essential data to help organisations tackle these challenges effectively.

Key Findings:

1. Prevalence of Violence and Aggression: The report highlights a significant rise in incidents of violence and aggression across various industries. Health care, social assistance, and education sectors are particularly affected, with high rates of reported incidents. Employers must recognise the heightened risk in these environments and implement robust prevention strategies.

2. Impact on Workers: Work-related violence and aggression have severe repercussions for employees, including increased stress, mental health issues, and job dissatisfaction. The report underscores the importance of supporting affected workers and fostering a safe work environment to mitigate these impacts.

3. Economic Costs: The financial implications of work-related violence and aggression are considerable, encompassing medical costs, legal expenses, and productivity losses. Employers should consider these costs when evaluating their workplace safety measures and invest in preventative measures to reduce the likelihood of incidents.

4. Prevention Strategies: Effective strategies to prevent work-related violence include comprehensive risk assessments, regular staff training, and clear reporting procedures. The report advocates for a proactive approach to safety, emphasising the need for organisations to continuously review and update their policies and procedures.

5. Legal and Compliance Considerations: Employers have a legal obligation to provide a safe working environment. The report provides guidance on complying with relevant regulations and standards, highlighting the importance of integrating safety measures into organisational practices.

Action Steps for Employers:

  • Implement Training Programs: Regular training for staff on handling aggressive behaviour and de-escalation techniques can significantly reduce incidents of violence.
  • Conduct Risk Assessments: Regularly assess risks related to work-related violence and aggression and tailor your safety protocols to address these risks effectively.
  • Promote Reporting: Establish clear and confidential channels for reporting incidents, and ensure that employees feel supported and protected when they report aggressive behaviour.
  • Review and Update Policies: Regularly review and update workplace safety policies to reflect current best practices and legal requirements.


The Safe Work Australia report underscores the urgent need for employers to address work-related violence and aggression proactively. By understanding the trends and implementing effective strategies, organisations can create a safer work environment, protect their employees, and reduce the economic and emotional costs associated with workplace aggression.

For more detailed information and guidance, access the full report.

Workplace and work-related violence and aggression in Australia report