By Grant Guru Leader in the ‘grant space’ since 2006

Funding is like the fuel for your business or project, but it's easy to trip up on your journey to secure it. Many eager project leaders and businesses make some common mistakes that can make funding elusive.


Let's take a closer look at these top 4 mistakes and how to avoid them to boost your chances of success.


Mistake: One of the most common fails, is diving into funding without a clear business plan. Whether you're kicking off a new business, launching a project, or seeking cash for growth, a solid business plan is your map to funding success. 

Solution: Take a step back and create a straightforward business plan. This document should lay out your goals, who your customers are, who your competitors are, and how much money you'll need. Grant providers want to know you've thought things through and can explain how you're going to make your idea work.


Mistake: Lots of people make the mistake of approaching the wrong funders. For instance, pitching your new app idea to a healthcare investor won't get you far. Or applying for a local community grant when you don’t live or work in the community, also won’t be successful.  

Solution: Always look at the criteria and funder. Figure out which funding sources match your field, business plan, and objectives. This could be angel investors, crowdfunding, loans from banks, grants, or venture capitalists. Each source has its own criteria and interests, so adapt your pitch to fit their preferences.


Mistake: A common mistake is setting wild expectations, whether it's thinking you'll need lots of cash or believing you'll get it easily, or trying to change the world with one project. This can lead to disappointment. 

Solution: Crunch the numbers and be realistic about how much you need and how long it might take to get funds. The funding process often takes longer than expected and so does changing the world. Plan for possible delays and be ready to adjust your plans.


Mistake: Your pitch (funding justification) is like your ticket to the funding show. If you can’t justify your need for funding you will miss out on funding. 

Solution: Practice and polish your justification for funding. Believe in it and make it engaging and exciting. Use stories, visuals, and data to back up your points. Tailor your it to your audience, addressing what matters most.

Securing funds for your project or business can be tricky, but avoiding these common mistakes will increase your chances of success. Start with a solid business plan, research the right funding sources, set realistic expectations, and perfect your justification.

These steps can help make your funding journey smoother and bring you closer to making your ideas a reality. 

By learning from these common missteps, you can position yourself better for success in securing the funds your project or business needs. Funding might not always be a walk in the park, but with the right approach, your ideas and ventures can flourish and grow.