Winning Edge Tender Support |
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Winning Edge Tender Support

'Ask a Tender Expert' - 30 or 60 minute advisory support calls Tender Masterclasses - learn to master tender submissions Tender Consulting Services - engage a specialist to collaborate on your next tender.

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About Tender Plus

For over 16 years, Tender Plus has helped Australian and global businesses to secure and retain business through competitive procurement processes. Tender Plus bring unparalleled expertise across diverse industries, offering strategic insights and meticulous tendering support.

Contact the specialists for help with:

  • Registrations or Expressions of Interest
  • Requests for Tender
  • Unsolicited or Market Led Proposals
  • Tenders, Submissions & Proposals



  • Schedule a 30 or 60 minute call.
  • General tender enquiries providing troubleshooting and advisory support.
  • Range of enquiries will be handled, including deciphering evaluation criteria, interpreting returnable requirements, discussing win strategy, supporting solution development, and answering tender management and writing queries.

My Business Member price: $75/30 mins or $125/60 mins

  Tender Masterclasses

  • 45-minute webinar presentation.
  • 15 minutes of live Q&A.
  • Learn to master tender submissions.
  • Content delivered based on information needs of My Business members.
  • Short summary notes.

My Business Member price: $50


  Tender Consulting Services

  • Half day or longer
  • Engage a Tender Specialist/s to collaborate on a strategic, compliant and compelling tender response.
  • Services cover: Bid strategy facilitation & development, solution facilitation & development, submission management, tender writing, template development & formatting, and graphic design.


A formal process where government or private enterprise (the ‘procurer’) approach the market (‘suppliers’), and through a competitive procurement process, award a contract for goods or services.  

The type of detail and commitment required by suppliers for a proposal or tender is highly variable and dependent on the procurer, their process for evaluation and decision making, and most likely aligned to the complexity of the contract, commercial value and risk involved.

  1. Expression of Interest (EOI) – used to determine if a supplier is capable of providing a good or service, or interested in performing the work.
  2. Request for Tender (RFT) – used to determine if a supplier can satisfy the evaluation criteria and meet specific requirements in performing the work.
  3. Request for Proposal (RFP) – used when the procurer is clear on the outcome but asks suppliers to find the best solution and provide detail as to how they will solve the problem. Criteria will be used to evaluate expertise, experience and capacity of suppliers in delivery.
  4. Best and Final Offer (BAFO) – a formal request to all shortlisted suppliers to indicate if they are able to improve their response.


We support all competitive procurement responses of any value no matter what you call them. Tenders, grants, proposals, submissions, offers, and the list goes on.

We have a demonstrated winning track record across all sectors, including but not limited to:

  • Architecture
  • Asset & Utility Management
  • Construction
  • Defence
  • Education
  • Engineering
  • Facilities Management
  • For Purpose
  • Health
  • Infrastructure
  • Legal Services
  • Mining
  • Oil & Gas
  • Professional Services
  • Property Development
  • Recruitment
  • Renewables, and
  • Transport

A Conflict of Interest would arise if Tender Plus is already engaged by a customer to provide tender advisory and consulting services for the same tender. We undertake a discovery call to determine any potential Conflicts of Interest.  This occurs before the provision of our services at no cost. 
In our discovery call, we will ask: 
1.    Is your request related to a ‘live’ EOI or tender? If no, there is no conflict of interest
2.    If yes, please provide the name of the procurer/buyer, and the official name of the EOI or tender. 

We will advise you of a potential conflict immediately, and refund your booking fee within five business days.

You can contact Tender Plus as soon as you know you want to pursue an opportunity to win and/or retain business. We work with clients in a pre-tender and tender phase and during a live contract.  We will always strive to support your team and be flexible where we have capacity. 

Find out more here.

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