The Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ACCI) represents businesses of all sizes across the country, working to support and advocate for employers. In their latest report, AI Business Insights, ACCI explores the transformative potential of AI for businesses and provides practical advice for employers looking to adopt AI responsibly. The report outlines key opportunities and challenges, helping employers navigate the complexities of AI adoption while boosting productivity and staying competitive in an increasingly digital world.

Here’s what you need to know from the report:

1. AI Adoption Challenges

While larger companies are struggling with AI strategy, medium-sized businesses are leading the way, with 90% planning to adopt AI by 2026. Small businesses, however, face significant hurdles due to limited training, with 60% of employers lacking essential digital skills.


2. Unintentional AI Use

AI is often embedded in business software without companies realising it, which can create data security risks. This “AI by stealth” highlights the importance of oversight, with many businesses reporting only “average” data security measures.


3. Leadership and Employee Disconnect

There is often a disconnect between senior leaders and managers. Managers see AI as a way to improve efficiency, but leadership is more focused on the risks and compliance challenges, slowing adoption. Bridging this gap is crucial to maximising AI benefits.


4. Training and Digital Literacy

For businesses to successfully implement AI, training is key. The report stresses the need for upskilling across all levels, from decision-makers to front-line employees, so that AI can be effectively integrated into business processes.


5. Data Governance

Data management is critical for AI to work effectively. Poor data input can lead to AI producing inaccurate results, a problem the report calls “garbage in, garbage out.” Establishing strong data governance frameworks is essential to mitigate this risk.


6. Regulatory Considerations

While AI-specific regulation is still developing in Australia, businesses must adhere to existing laws around privacy and cybersecurity. Understanding the regulatory landscape is crucial for ensuring compliance and safe AI adoption.


Key Takeaway

AI holds great promise for businesses, but to realise its full potential, employers must invest in digital skills training, develop robust data governance practices, and stay informed about the evolving regulatory environment.

For more detailed insights, you can access the full report here.