RCEP Certificate of Origin | Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership |
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RCEP Certificate of Origin

The RCEP Certificate of Origin can be used for claiming preferential tariff treatment under Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement.

RCEP is a regional free trade agreement that complements and builds upon Australia's existing free trade agreements with 14 other Indo-Pacific countries.

To obtain RCEP Certificate of Origin, you must first register with us as an exporter.

To register please contact:

RCEP Rules of Origin (ROO) are used to determine the originating status of a good and the eligibility of importers of the good to claim preferential tariff treatment under the Agreement. 

A good shall be treated as an originating good under RCEP if it is:

(a) wholly obtained or produced in a Party as provided in Article 3.3 (Goods Wholly Obtained or Produced); 
(b) produced in a Party exclusively from originating materials from one or more of the Parties; or 
(c) produced in a Party using non-originating materials, provided the good satisfies the applicable requirements set out in Annex 3A (Product-Specific Rules), and meets all other applicable requirements of this Chapter.

For further information please refer to Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade website:


RCEP Certificates of Origin is used with goods exported to RCEP countries to access the reduced tariff/duty rates on goods under Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement.

  • Step 1: Complete the Exporter Information Form (CO4) to register your business with us.  
  • Step 2: Send your completed form to exportdocs.cbd@businessaustralia.com 
  • Step 3: Once your form has been received and accepted, we will send you the RCEP  Certificate of Origin template with the corresponding instructions on how to complete the document.

Should you require any assistance in completing the forms, please give us a call on 1300 622 883 or send an email to exportdocs.cbd@businessaustralia.com. Our friendly Team is here to help.