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Showing 10 of 1956 results.

My Business Premium

Fixed-term contracts: are you entitled to paid leave?

Are employees on fixed-term contracts entitled to annual and personal/carer's leave?

My Business Premium

Do you pay pro rata long service after 10 years?

And how much long service leave do you get after 10 years?

My Business Premium

Paying long service leave when a business transfers

What happens to employees’ long service leave entitlements when a business is transferred to a new owner? Learn more here about business transfers.

My Business Premium

Student’s Bid For Unfair Dismissal Remedy To Go Ahead

When a manager thought a casual worker had blocked his text, he removed him from the roster program and group chat.

My Business Premium

Fair Work makes first order to vary flexible work arrangements

The Fair Work Commission ordered an employee to work one day per week in the office, highlighting the need for employers to provide substantial evidence and negotiate genuinely when refusing flexible work requests.

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Leaseback arrangements

The provision of a motor vehicle for work-related and private use is a common arrangement undertaken by many councils across NSW to provide a tax-effective reward to selected positions.


The funding will help provide local jobs and local investment directly benefiting the struggling small businesses hardest hit by the COVID-19 pandemic in communities all around Australia.