Showing 10 of 654 results.
Understanding Work-Related Violence and Aggression in Australia: Key Insights from the Latest Report
The latest report from Safe Work Australia reveals significant trends in work-related violence and aggression, highlighting the need for employers to enhance workplace safety.
‘Men are the breadwinners’ stereotype fuelling workplace loneliness
University of Melbourne research reveals how traditional breadwinner roles and work arrangements contribute to male loneliness. Learn about the impact of societal expectations and strategies for enhancing work-life balance and reshaping gender norms.
Can you 'spy' on your employees?
The surge in remote and hybrid work has given rise to unprecedented levels of employee and gadget monitoring. What is allowed?
Sexual harassment: FWC seeks feedback
From next week the Fair Work Commission will have new powers and processes to deal with sexual harassment matters.
The politics of bringing your whole self to work
As organisations, we must decide whether conversations around politics should be normalised. How should leaders handle political discussions at work?
Sacked: defecating in work area 'inexcusable'
Using your workplace as a toilet is never a good idea. Find out what happened to this miner when he decided to defecate in a drill hole.
Greece Introduces A Six-day Workweek
Greece's new labour reforms introduce a six-day workweek for specific 24/7 services, aiming to boost productivity amidst an aging population, sparking union backlash.
Resignation: Do casuals have to give notice?
When an employee resigns, they may need to give notice to their employer. Learn about notice periods for long-term casuals.
Sacked: was worker covered by Australian law?
An employee in Argentina was covered by Australian law because an email accepting the job offer was received in Australia, a tribunal has ruled.
Resignation and notice periods
When an employee resigns, how much notice is required and what are your responsibilities as an employer?