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Showing 10 of 1956 results.

My Business Premium

What is a statement of service?

Do you need to give employees a statement of service?

My Business Premium

Wages not paid: is it "waiting time"?

Is an employee entitled to “waiting time” if wages are paid late?

My Business Premium

'Trial' shift lands café in hot water

A tribunal has rejected an employer’s claim that it hadn’t hired an employee who completed a trial shift.

Migrant worker awarded $20k following unfair redundancy

A migrant worker was awarded $20,000 after the Fair Work Commission found his dismissal was not a genuine redundancy, highlighting employers' consultation obligations and the need to protect vulnerable migrant employees.

Mayday recruitment

MAYDAY Recruitment are an all-female founded and run recruitment agency in the heart of Sydney providing recruitment services to some of Australia’s most reputable brands.

My Business Premium

Abandonment of employment

See what information you need to know about abandonment of employment (from an HR perspective) with our helpful checklist and other resources.

About Free Membership

Whether your business is just starting out, looking to become more efficient, or wanting to grow – simply join My Business as a free member and we'll help you get there.

Crowdfunding to start a business

With the rise of platforms like Kickstarter and Indiegogo, crowdfunding for business can be a great way to raise much-needed capital.

Claim your free call

Get tailored guidance on managing the Right to Disconnect and other workplace issues from our Workplace Advice Line, supported by Australian Business Lawyers & Advisors.

How to perform a competitive assessment

This includes market research into both your current competition and potential competitors who might enter your market.