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Showing 10 of 1959 results.

My Business Premium

Was resignation forced or voluntary?

The Fair Work Commission found that an employee who resigned after his pay rise request was rejected and he was offered another job was not forced to resign.

Weight bias persists in the workplace

How can HR combat bias and stigma associated with weight?

My Business Premium

Independent contractor or employee? FWC rules

Do you know for sure which of your workers are employees and which are independent contractors?

Leave without pay: what you need to know

Here’s what you need to know about your obligations and having proper policies in place.

The importance of evaluating training effectiveness

Many businesses spend significant time and money training staff but fail to collect data to analyse whether they’re getting any business value from training.

Tradie workwear brand embraces four-day week

TradeMutt founders Ed Ross and Dan Allen have kicked off a four-day work week to encourage others to achieve better work-life balance.

When 9 to 5 becomes 24/7

With an increasingly connected and global workforce, it’s harder for employees to switch off at the end of the day.

How to safely navigate working from home

You may be able to support them by implementing some work health and safety (WHS) guidelines.

My Business Premium

Can you enforce a 'no personal spray' policy?

Read more here about our responsibilities and how to manage the risk.