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Showing 10 of 2416 results.

Wage subsidy boost for group training organisations

Apprentices and trainees are vital for our ongoing economic growth and building a sustainable future workforce.

My Business Premium

Can someone on parental leave be made redundant?

When a position becomes redundant while an employee is absent on unpaid parental leave, there are several matters you must address.

My Business Premium

Can long service leave be taken in advance?

Several factors will determine if an employee can take long service leave in advance. What are they?

Bosses order workers back to the office

New research reveals most Australian employers have introduced a policy that mandates the number of days workers must spend in the office.

Recruiting for the future

Today's managers need very different skills than the business leaders of the past.

How do you manage personal leave?

If employees are taking lots of personal leave, how can you best manage the situation?

My Business Premium

Is there a statutory limitation on LSL claims?

How long after leaving a job can someone make a claim for pro-rata long service leave? It depends on the circumstances. Find out here.

Could JobKeeper lead to an ATO audit?

By late May, more than 750,000 businesses and sole traders affected by the COVID-19 crisis had made claims under the JobKeeper program. But should businesses prepare for an audit and potential repayments once the scheme ends in September?