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No system for dealing with complaints – CFO wins stop-bullying order

The Fair Work Commission has ordered an employer to get up to speed with a comprehensive anti-bullying policy and procedure and make sure it’s complied with, as well as ordering a manager to behave in a civil manner.

My Business Premium

Can you enforce a 'no personal spray' policy?

Does your workplace pose risks to asthmatics from personal sprays used in bathrooms?

My Business Premium

Breach of a company policy – consider unfair dismissal

Company policies are not regulated by law, but do provide a basis for employee conduct in the workplace.

My Business Premium

Do you need a mobile phone policy?

A mobile phone policy provides guidelines on the appropriate use of phones in the workplace.

My Business Premium

Employee health and fitness programs

What makes a workplace health promotion program successful?

My Business Premium

COVID employee survey valid safety measure in dismissal

Coronavirus threw up many new workplace scenarios to navigate.

My Business Premium

Work, mental health and COVID-19

How are we coping with mental health and what can we do to cope better? Read on to find out the details from Comcare, Beyond Blue and the Future of Work Institute speakers.  

My Business Premium

Do we need a fire warden?

Is it mandatory to have a fire warden at your workplace and, if so, what training is required?

Managing Infection Risks In Your Workplace

Are you confident in managing the ongoing risk of COVID-19? Do you have infection protection controls in place? Gain valuable insights, tools and resources to help navigate your new working ways.