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My Business Premium

Working from home and employer responsibilities

How far should employers go to ensure the health and safety of staff working from home?

Optimise and save: heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC)

Did you know heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) units guzzle so much energy they can add up to 40 to 50% of your total energy bill?

My Business Premium

Workplace investigations: The dos and don'ts

Workplace investigations can be crucial to the successful resolution of a complaint or the defence of a legal claim against your business.

Wages and Awards Advice and Resources

As an employer, paying your employees a fair and equitable wage is your most basic and critical responsibility. It’s important you do your due diligence and ensure you’re compensating your employees in accordance with the law.

Apprenticeships and traineeships advice and resources

If you’re running or planning to run apprenticeships or traineeships in your business, it’s important to be aware of the correct policies and procedures, as well as use the right documentation.

My Business Premium

Poor performance, dishonesty and lateness

Are you clear on when summary dismissal amounts to adverse action? Read about an employer who successfully defeated an adverse action claim because it was unaware of a worker’s illness.

Getter: my first year in business

Tom Burton put his career as a financial services professional on hold when he agreed to help his brother start a roofing and solar property development business.

Survive and thrive in a new normal

Surviving the COVID-19 crisis is not enough; like past crises, COVID-19 will pass and will create a new normal and it is in this context your business or organisation needs to learn how to thrive again.

My Business Premium

The ins and outs of demotion

Tread carefully if you decide to demote an employee. If it involves a significant reduction in duties or remuneration, it may actually be a dismissal.