Showing 10 of 744 results.
Computer work aggravated wrist problem
An employee with pre-existing wrist injuries has successfully argued her injury and pain were aggravated by workplace computer use.
Preventing forklift deaths and injuries – new guidance
Forklifts are involved in more workplace injuries and deaths than any other type of equipment, but new guidelines can help avoid the heavy financial and human costs.
Workplace temperature and lighting
In almost every office, there is often someone who is always cold and someone who is always hot. So how can you find a comfortable middle ground?
Who are millennials?
Given the moniker ‘millennials’, this generation came of age at the turn of the new century.
Apprentices: Keep them engaged and you’ll keep them in the business
Straightforward strategies to improve the likelihood of retaining apprentices.
Coach or mentor – which one do you need?
Looking to gain a competitive advantage? Investing in staff development through mentors and coaches can benefit performance.
The benefits of flexible work practices
Flexible work arrangements can help your business attract and retain good employees by making it easier for them to balance work and lifestyle commitments.
Sacked for crashing client's Mercedes
When a stevedore damaged a car at work, her employer blamed her ‘careless conduct’ and sacked her. Did the Fair Work Commission think the dismissal was fair?