Showing 10 of 280 results.
Victorian Employment Legislation
The federal IR system applies to most Australian employers and their employees, including those in Victoria.
Deciding To Retrench Employee While On Leave Breached Award Consultation Requirements
The Fair Work Commission awarded her compensation for the lack of consultation.
Being asked to “get the coffees” wasn’t gender discrimination
In a recent workplace incident, a female worker claimed gender discrimination after being asked to "get the coffees" at a client workshop.
Sacked: stinky excuse for dodging drug test dismissed
The Fair Work Commission has dismissed a claim for unfair dismissal after finding the ‘accident in his trousers’ did not compel the worker to leave work when called for a drug test.
Redundancy checklists for employers and employees
Implementing redundancies is difficult and stressful. These checklists will help ensure you follow a fair process.
Bullying or reasonable management action? Commission decides
When a worker was subject to extended monitoring of his job performance, he felt he was being bullied and applied for a 'stop bullying’ order.
Do extra hours count towards annual leave accrual?
Occasionally part-time employees may work extra hours to help with the extra work load. Do those extra hours count towards their annual leave accrual?
Greece Introduces A Six-day Workweek
Greece's new labour reforms introduce a six-day workweek for specific 24/7 services, aiming to boost productivity amidst an aging population, sparking union backlash.
Due Diligence Failure Sees Director Convicted After Wall Collapse
When a brick wall fell on a young man at a building site, impaling him on a large metal screw piling, his employer’s sole director found himself in the firing line. Read the court’s view of the site’s poor safety record.
Dismissal for threatening emails and homophobic comments upheld
A manager was dismissed after sending emails and texts about work colleagues that suggested using physical violence against them, and for making regular homophobic comments to and about a co-worker.