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My Business Premium

Sick on an RDO: are you entitled to paid personal leave?

If you’re ill on your rostered day off, are you entitled to paid personal leave?

Paid FDVl from August 1

Paid family and domestic violence leave kicked off for large employers on February 1.

Paid personal leave clarified by High Court decision

Luis Izzo, Managing Director – Sydney Workplace at Australian Business Lawyers & Advisors explains the impacts of the recent High Court decision.

Victoria leads the way with paid reproductive and period leave for public sector employees

Public sector employees in Victoria will soon have access to 5 days of reproductive leave. This leave is intended for women and gender-diverse people experiencing issues related to period pain, menopause, perimenopause, and IVF treatment.

My Business Premium

Personal leave exhausted – what about annual leave?

Can an employee who has run out of personal/carer’s leave take annual leave to cover a remaining period of absence? 

My Business Premium

How do you calculate pro rata long service leave?

Most full-time, part-time, or casual employees are entitled to long service leave.

My Business Premium

Are you paid for public holidays while on workers comp?

If an employee is absent on workers' compensation during a public holiday, should they still get paid for the holiday?


. Elise Phillips CEO | Domestic Violence NSW Elise is a registered psychologist with 12 years of experience in leadership roles in the non-government sector. Elise has lived experience of domestic and family violence and is passionate about influencing systems-level change to increase safety, prevent violence, and healing for victim-survivors.

My Business Premium

Casual employees: long service leave entitlements

Casual employees’ entitlement to long service leave benefits varies from state to state.