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Showing 10 of 562 results.

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Redundancy: is payment in lieu of notice required?

Is payment in lieu of notice required when an employee is made redundant?

My Business Premium

Professionals: no overtime?

Why don’t professional employees receive overtime (or time off in lieu) when working excessive hours? Read more here about the key issues that relate to excessive hours.

My Business Premium

​​RBA reinstates worker: HR failings 'inexplicable'

A Reserve Bank (RBA) employee who accidentally posted a racist message at work that was intended to go to his wife has won his job back. 

My Business Premium

Poor performance, dishonesty and lateness

Are you clear on when summary dismissal amounts to adverse action? Read about an employer who successfully defeated an adverse action claim because it was unaware of a worker’s illness.

Supporting diversity: employees with a disability

In Australia, many employees are living with a disability as part of their daily life. By providing the right support, employers can instil inclusive workplace practices and enhance diversity. 

My Business Premium

Talent is top of mind for Aussie business leaders

The key issues facing Australian businesses have shifted away from the pandemic and towards recruiting and retaining talent in an increasingly uncertain economy.  

My Business Premium

Top 10 tips for reviewing WHS procedures

Where do you start when developing a work health and safety (WHS) system? Here are 10 tips for reviewing WHS procedures for a safe work environment.

My Business Premium

Office odours triggered mental disorder

A tribunal ruled that a woman was entitled to compensation for a condition known as ‘somatic symptom disorder’.

My Business Premium

Sexual harassment: FWC seeks feedback

From next week the Fair Work Commission will have new powers and processes to deal with sexual harassment matters. 

My Business Premium

Slashing casual's hours amounted to dismissal

An employer who reduced a casual employee’s hours to zero because he was “moody” and clashed with a manager has failed with its jurisdictional objection to his general protections claim.