Showing 10 of 656 results.
Hr’s Role To “minimise Unfairness” In Redundancies...but Not For One Of Its Own
Despite having operational reasons for redundancy, the employer failed to consider redeployment options and did not consult the employee adequately, rendering the redundancy unjust.
Do you have to accept a medical certificate from a pharmacist?
In this article, we look at whether an employee can provide a certificate from a pharmacist as evidence of illness rather than from a doctor.
Finances: the more cash in your bank account, the more opportunity for your business
Businesses work hard to forecast what their cash flow position will be over a long period of time in order to manage the inflows and outflows more effectively.
Can your employee claim workers compensation if they contract COVID-19?
Understand your liability as an employer if an employee were to contract the coronavirus at work and what this means for workers compensation claims.
Survey reveals state of workers' mental health
Providing access to flexible working arrangements and opportunities for workers to influence how and when they work has a tremendous impact on psychological health, a new survey reveals.
Ok To Dismiss Drug-affected Employee, But Employer Breached Its Own Testing Policy
This case highlights the importance of consistent application of workplace policies and adherence to procedures.
How to go the extra mile when supporting employee mental health
With many people working remotely, under financial strain or having to adapt to major changes in the workplace, our mental health has been tested to the full.
Award changes: taking annual leave during a shutdown
The Fair Work Commission has issued a decision to insert a new plain English model clause in multiple modern awards on the subject of taking annual leave during shut downs.
Compo fraudster to repay $144k
A truck driver who twice called an ambulance as he drove home from a V8 Supercars event has been convicted for falsely claiming his back injury happened the next day at work.
Being asked to “get the coffees” wasn’t gender discrimination
Despite her allegations of past bullying and discomfort, the Fair Work Commission ruled that the request did not amount to discrimination.