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Demoted employee's payback

Demoting an employee as a disciplinary measure is a risky option, as this employer found out.

How to create a healthy and safe office environment

It may not be obvious, but computers, tripping hazards and workplace ergonomics all affect an employee’s health at work.

My Business Premium

What is the correct ratio of WHS staff to employees?

The number of WHS staff/professionals that a business should engage, in proportion to the number of staff on site, is not a precise number.

My Business Premium

What is the Better Off Overall Test?

The Fair Work Commission uses the Better Off Overall Test (BOOT) to assess awards against registered agreements.

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Can you make someone on sick leave redundant?

Can an employee be made redundant on sick leave, or is an employer required to keep the worker employed?

My Business Premium

No privacy breach: CCTV exposed theft

An employee was dismissed after CCTV footage showed her stealing cosmetics from a pharmacy. She then claimed her privacy had been breached.

My Business Premium

Working from home – R U OK?

Some commentators were predicting that working-from-home injury claims were set to skyrocket during the coronavirus crisis: turns out they were right. Read on to find out about the common injuries and how to prevent them.