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Showing 10 of 1698 results.

My Business Premium

Extreme weather — who pays if employees can’t work?

When extreme weather forces employees to leave work early, do employers still need to pay? This article explores payment obligations under modern awards and the Fair Work Act, offering guidance for employers during weather-related disruptions.

My Business Premium

Employers: ensure you make the most of high performers

Managing high-performance employees isn't an 'HR problem' – it's a senior management responsibility. Read on to find out more.

My Business Premium

How much notice should part-time employees give?

Are part-time employees required to give the same notice of resignation as full-time workers? Read on to find out the answer.

My Business Premium

Firefighter sacked for Facebook post

A firefighter sacked for posting an image of naked women in a Facebook group has successfully argued his dismissal was unfair. 

My Business Premium

Can you track an employee's location?

Can employers install GPS trackers in work vehicles? Learn more here about your responsibilities and obligations.