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Showing 10 of 1956 results.

My Business Premium

How do you calculate overtime penalty rates?

Calculating overtimes rates can be tricky. Should they be based on daily overtime hours or aggregated weekly hours?

Importing from China: what you must know to ensure success

China has been the obvious procurement destination in the past two decades.

My Business Premium

Callous treatment costs employer

There’s a right way and many wrong ways to sack an employee. Read about an employer who got it wrong and had to compensate the employee.

My Business Premium

How Hr Leaders Can Get Ready For Eofy

From policy reviews and compliance updates to strategic goal-setting and employee retention.

How to go the extra mile when supporting employee mental health

With many people working remotely, under financial strain or having to adapt to major changes in the workplace, our mental health has been tested to the full.

Flexible Working Arrangements

In the contemporary workplace, flexible working arrangements are a critical tool to assist employees in balancing work and family responsibilities and for employers to retain skills and industry experience.