Showing 10 of 656 results.
Can employees work through their lunch break?
What guidance is there under the Miscellaneous Award for working through a lunch break? Read on to find out.
Fair Work Ombudsman Issues $89,000 In Fines Over ‘dodgy Job Ads’
The Fair Work Ombudsman has fined businesses almost $89,000 for misleading job advertisements.
Greece Introduces A Six-day Workweek
Greece's new labour reforms introduce a six-day workweek for specific 24/7 services, aiming to boost productivity amidst an aging population, sparking union backlash.
Can you insist employees stay at work for lunch?
Employees often leave the workplace during a lunch break, but can you insist they don’t?
Computer work aggravated wrist problem
An employee with pre-existing wrist injuries has successfully argued her injury and pain were aggravated by workplace computer use.
Back to work after long-term absence
Long-term sick leave due to psychological issues raises challenges for employers. Read on to find out about new research.
Recording conversations at work: is it legal?
Is it lawful to secretly record a conversation in the workplace on a smartphone or any other device?
Virtual water cooler moments: the future of work
A new report highlights a shift in focus from a ‘place’ to ‘purpose’ of work as businesses respond to the pandemic by redesigning their operations and reinventing the way they work.
Are you giving away work secrets on ChatGPT?
Curious about how ChatGPT can help you at work?