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My Business Premium

How workplaces can help prevent suicide

Suicide rates are expected to increase across all age groups by 40% in the next decade due to the aftermath of COVID-19. Learn more here. 

My Business Premium

Do you have an equipment maintenance policy?

Are you confident that all the equipment used by your business is properly maintained? Check here to see what your maintenance policy should cover. 

New agreement tool – check which tests apply

The Secure Jobs Better Pay Act is changing how employers and employees bargain and make agreements.

WHS risk management in four steps

Work Health and Safety (WHS) legislation requires that all foreseeable hazards in a business are identified and the risks arising from these hazards are eliminated or controlled.

Thankyou: on a mission to fight poverty

In this Q and A we talk to Daniel Flynn, co-founder of Thankyou on their quest to change lives globally and the journey so far.

13 questions to capitalise on your growth plan

So you’ve been experiencing an increased demand for your products or services and you think it’s time to grow and explore new markets.

kick off the new financial year with success

Leanne Berry Community Relations Manager | Partners at MYOB Leanne has over 20 years of experience in small business management, frontline management and MYOB, and has an extensive network of industry asociations and relationships with bookeeping professionals and small businesses across ANZ.

Dealing with uncertainty

We are naturally drawn towards organisation – we have a daily routine that may involve work, social interaction, chores and hobbies – and within each of those, we have our preferred way of completing them. When this routine gets disrupted, we tend to feel stressed, anxious and uncertain.

Leave management: your employer obligations

He specializes in giving pragmatic legal advice on workplace matters, including the National Employment Standards, Modern award compliance, managing ill and injured employees and bullying, harassment, and discrimination.

My Business Premium

How often should WHS training occur?

WHS training enables employees to understand the hazards they face and the measures to minimise risks. How often should health and safety training take place?