6. Have a system in place for handling absences, whether they’re unexplained or due to mental illness

In addition to having the right policies in place, and potentially providing flexible arrangements, managers need to know how to handle absences due to mental illness, and how to cater to employees who are living with mental illness – especially if they are returning to work.

7. Provide support for managers so they are equipped to handle challenging conduct and performance

Each employee is different and so is the way they manage any mental health conditions or disorders. Managers should be well-equipped with the right information and tools to be able to manage individual issues in employee conduct and performance in a constructive way, particularly if they’re aware that an employee is suffering from a mental illness or condition. 

8. Understand your legal obligations when managing employees who are suffering from a mental illness

As an employer, you have a legal obligation to help any employees who are suffering from mental health conditions in the workplace, and help ensure they don’t suffer any discrimination as a result of any mental illness. This includes having policies and procedures to help manage mental health conditions in the office, as well as non-disclosure for privacy reasons.

If you’re unsure, consider seeking legal advice from Australian Business Lawyers & Advisors around mental health in the workplace and managing an employee’s return to work.

9. Ensure your organisation knows how to effectively respond if an employee can’t carry out their tasks

Mental illness can affect an employee’s ability to carry out their roles and responsibilities, and managers and leaders should know how to effectively respond to this and adjust deadlines or workload accordingly.

10. Deliver regular mentally healthy workplace training for managers and employees

Building a positive and mentally healthy work environment doesn’t happen overnight. Training is essential to engage managers and employees on how to build a healthy work environment, manage stress at work, and avoid mismanagement claims from poor handling of mental health conditions at work.

Mental illness affects millions of employees in Australia. To help manage mental illness in your workplace, download HR Advance’s Mental Health Policy. The policy aims to encourage employees to report mental health issues to their employers.  

My Business Workplace has a range of policies, documents and checklists ready to download and implement, including WHS.